How to get a high score by using the words with friends solver


Based on the well-known board game Scrabble, Words With Friends is a crossword game designed for mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android). You may find the simple instructions HERE. I want to draw your attention to a few significant distinctions between Words With Friends and Scrabble. It’s critical to understand these variations since you might be able to take advantage of them.

1. You are not competing against your opponents in person. It’s possible that you’ll be competing against someone in a different part of the planet!

2. You can’t finish a game in one sitting. It could linger for several hours, days, weeks, or even months.

3. There are no difficulties. You can utilise trial and error as many times as necessary when playing a word game to locate a term that works.

5. The distribution and count of the tiles are a little different.

Although both boards are 15 by 15, the arrangement is slightly different.

Rules for “Wording with Friends”

Keeping a List of Two-Letter Words

The buddies I play with frequently and I have agreed to a few rule clarifications for convenience of play because of some of the additional dynamics stated above. We are permitted to keep a list of all terms with two letters, first. Knowing all the two-letter words saves a tonne of time because we can utilise trial and error to find words. A large enough list will probably cause you to memorise it regardless.

The creators of Terms with Friends occasionally add and remove words from the game’s dictionary.

Tracking Down Missing Tiles

Second, just like card counting in blackjack, we now consider it appropriate to keep track of the missing tiles if we like. Since there may be quite a bit of time in between turns, we reason that we should take advantage of it to keep track of which tiles have been played and which have not. None of us ever really play like this in the beginning or even in the midst of a game. But we’ll absolutely do it because the game is winding down and it seems like it might be extremely tight. Although we’ve made it obvious that it’s acceptable here, I’m not sure if there is a regulation in traditional Scrabble that addresses this.

Strategy for Words with Friends

Here, we’ll share some Words With Friends strategies and tactics with you. Hopefully it will provide you a competitive advantage over your rivals as well.

Say your rival uses the AROSE strategy. Your tray has letters that together spell “POWER.” For a cool 11 points, you may lay the P, W, E, and R across the “O” in AROSE. OR…you could use POWER on top of AROSE to form several new words (POWER, PA, OR, WO, ES, and RE), giving you a total of 26 points!

Start Little

Every time you start the game with a five-letter term, your skilled opponent immediately follows it with a great lay-along, essentially giving him a double and giving YOU a single point. I like to start a game with a two-letter term and then use that turn to remove my two least favourite letters. Allow your opponent to reveal the board first.

Practice the Colored Squares.

Playing your tiles on the coloured squares will help you to get the most value out of them. Double Letter (DL), Double Word (DW), Triple Letter (TL), and Triple Word are all displayed on the board (TW).

The TL and TW are what we refer to as the “High-Dollar” Squares. Before you look at your tray, always check to see if these squares are accessible on the board. Try to fit your letters into plays that use these squares and look for plays that do so. Find plays that combine multiple letter scores with multiple word scores for even better results. Consider playing the word PARK on four blank spaces. It will be 11 points for you. Consider a scenario where you play with the “P” on a TL and the “K” on a TW. This play will result in a score increase of all the way to 57 points!

Vowels Should Be Looked for Next to Colored Squares.

Say your adversary plays PLANE with a TL exactly above the “A.” When you check your tray, you see that you have a “Z” after noticing this. You know you can play the “Z” on the TL to produce ZA for a total score of 31 points since you remembered from the list of 2 letter words that it is a valid word. You now go one step farther and realise that your tray also has a “E” and a “N.” You can now play Zen in a lay-along above PLANE to score 70 points by producing ZA, ZEN, EN, and NE.

Use a Bingo

A “Bingo” is when all seven of the tiles in your tray are played within one turn. You receive a 35-point bonus in addition to the points you would have received for the word(s) you created. It’s not impossible to score in the hundreds on a single play if you can combine that with a few coloured squares placed strategically. Knowing how to make bingos is one of the secrets to routinely winning games. It takes some getting used to, but the more you play, the more you’ll learn tactics that will enable you to produce an increasing number of Bingos.

Defence wins Games

Your knowledgeable opponent will be hunting for plays in the High-Dollar squares just as you are. Even if it means playing a weaker word elsewhere, don’t give him the opening. I normally try to avoid opening the TW TL areas for play until I know I’m going to score significantly with my play. Knowing he might potentially score 50 or even more points by fully utilising the opening, it might not even be worth opening up one of those locations for a 40-point play.

Maintain the Letters’ Pace

Your tray will benefit from a high tile turnover rate. It lowers your opponent’s likelihood of obtaining J, Q, X, and Z and raises your likelihood of getting J, Q, X, and Z. If you have an option, play the greater word over the smaller word if all other factors (points, leave, etc.) are equal.

Use our Word with Friends Solver tool

What features does this tool offer?

Anyone and everyone can use our tool for free. We don’t charge you anything to utilise it. Get ready to increase your vocabulary, defeat your opponents, and prevail in future word games. Use this function to find the solution to any puzzle quickly. enjoy our tool, and use it well!

After you finish, all of your data and files are immediately wiped. No user data is saved by our free online tool. As a result, it is entirely reliable and secure.

The task that our free tool completes only requires a few seconds. It quickly produces words using a set of predefined letters. The results come in a flash and are completely accurate.

And to top them all, this no-cost service is entirely web-based. Because of this, it offers cross-platform compatibility to our users. As a result, it can be used with all hardware and operating systems. The user does not need to install anything in order to utilise this tool.

How to use the tool to win word games?

Simple usage:

It’s incredibly easy to use our Words with Friends solver tool. It is a free and online software, and completely safe for all users.

Simply enter the letters you want to use to create words. Up to 15 letters can be entered at once. The last step is to choose the sort of dictionary you wish to use to create the words.

The choices are “Dictionary,” TWL06 (US, Canada, Thailand), SOWPODS (UK and others), and Enable (Words with Friends).

The option for Advanced filtering can then be activated.

Next, select the search button (the magnifying glass). And that’s it! With the letters you provide, our tool will produce as many words as it can for you.

Our tool can be of great help whenever you are looking for a quick win at any word game. And the best part of our tool is that, not only do you win the game, without breaking the rules, you also get to learn new words, expand your vocabulary, all while having fun with your friends.

Advanced Usage:

With the help of our tool’s “advanced filters” section, you can instruct it which letters the final words should begin with or end with, what letters they should contain, what letters you want it to ignore, and how long you want the words to be. You only need to select the advanced filters button and enter the desired data.

To determine how many letters the words you need should have, visit our tool’s advanced filters area. You can use it to indicate which letters you don’t want to be present in the words. You can use our tool to indicate the letters you wish the words to have without a doubt. The most intriguing of all of them is that you can choose which letters you want your words to start with as well as conclude with by using the advanced filters portion of our application.